Koen Slootmaeckers is a Reader (Associate Professor) in International Politics at City St George's, University of London. He has a background in sociology (BSc and MSc from Ghent University [Belgium]) and holds PhD in Political Science from Queen Mary University of London. Koen is the EDI officer and trustee for UACES. He has previously held leadership roles in professional associations as co-chair and executive board member of the Council of European Studies' Gender and Sexuality Research Network.
As an international political sociologist, Koen's award-winning research is broadly focused on the ways in which boundaries, inclusion and exclusion are maintained in society and within international relations. He has done extensive research on the promotion of and resistance to LGBT equality in international politics. More specifically, Koen has studied the EU accession of Serbia and how this process affects LGBT politics and activism. His current research focuses on the place of Pride events within the LGBTI movement.
Through his work, Koen questions concepts like progress as well as the power relations within transnational politics and builds towards de-constructing core-periphery hierarchical relations.
He is the author of Coming In: Sexual politics and EU accession in Serbia (2023, Manchester University Press), and his work has been widely published, including a (co-)edited volume ‘EU Enlargement and Gay Politics’ (Palgrave 2016; with Heleen Touquet and Peter Vermeersch), and articles in, amongst others, International Political Sociology, Theory & Society, East European Politics, Sociologos, Politics, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, Journal of Homosexuality, Social Problems and Europe-Asia Studies.
Koen also acts as a consultant on LGBTI and equality work and as an expert witness for asylum cases.
Koen is the recipient of the 2025 EUSA Best Book Prize and the 2018 UACES prize for best PhD in Contemporary European Studies.
As an international political sociologist, Koen's award-winning research is broadly focused on the ways in which boundaries, inclusion and exclusion are maintained in society and within international relations. He has done extensive research on the promotion of and resistance to LGBT equality in international politics. More specifically, Koen has studied the EU accession of Serbia and how this process affects LGBT politics and activism. His current research focuses on the place of Pride events within the LGBTI movement.
Through his work, Koen questions concepts like progress as well as the power relations within transnational politics and builds towards de-constructing core-periphery hierarchical relations.
He is the author of Coming In: Sexual politics and EU accession in Serbia (2023, Manchester University Press), and his work has been widely published, including a (co-)edited volume ‘EU Enlargement and Gay Politics’ (Palgrave 2016; with Heleen Touquet and Peter Vermeersch), and articles in, amongst others, International Political Sociology, Theory & Society, East European Politics, Sociologos, Politics, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, Journal of Homosexuality, Social Problems and Europe-Asia Studies.
Koen also acts as a consultant on LGBTI and equality work and as an expert witness for asylum cases.
Koen is the recipient of the 2025 EUSA Best Book Prize and the 2018 UACES prize for best PhD in Contemporary European Studies.
Watch the recording of the book launch of Coming in: Sexual Politics and EU accession in Serbia held at City, University of London on April 4th 2023.
Chair: Meg Poff Panelists: Dr Koen Slootmaeckers Dr Paul Copeland Dr Francesca Romana Ammaturo Dr Indraneel Sircar |